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Teres Minor Trigger Points

Understanding the Teres Minor Muscle: Anatomy, Trigger Points, and Trigger Point Therapy

The human shoulder is a complex and highly mobile joint that relies on the coordinated function of various muscles. Among the key players in this system is the teres minor,...
Teres Minor - Muscle Overview

Teres Minor - Muscle Overview

Teres Minor Muscle Overview Anatomy & Location: The teres minor is nestled within the shoulder's rotator cuff muscles. It spans from the lateral border of the scapula, running diagonally and...
Teres Minor - How and why to take care of this little muscle

Teres Minor - How and why to take care of this little muscle

Teres Minor Muscle watch the video tutorial below:   About the Teres minor muscle Having a strong teres minor muscle is important for any athlete. Its benefits include better range of...
Trigger Point Release - Teres Minor

Trigger Point Release - Teres Minor

  Teres Minor Trigger Points - often associated with Rotator Cuff Injuries   The teres minor decelerates internal rotation of the shoulder joint Inhibition in this muscle due to short/ spastic...
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