

Trigger Point Therapy - Treating Achilles Tendinitis

Trigger Point Therapy - Treating Achilles Tendinitis

  Achilles Tendinitis      Achilles Tendinitis - Trigger Point Therapy   Achilles problems are amongst the most common issues that therapists deal with every day - especially with clients who are...
Muscle Energy Technique - Gastrocnemius

Muscle Energy Technique - Gastrocnemius

  Scroll down for step-by-step instructions for treating this muscle using the Muscle Energy Technique protocol       Gastrocnemius - Common Trigger Point Sites   Gastrocnemius The gastrocnemius is...
Trigger Point Therapy - Gastrocnemius Anatomy

Trigger Point Therapy - Gastrocnemius Anatomy

  Gastrocnemius - Trigger Point Anatomy   Gastrocnemius Muscle and Trigger Points Several trigger points can form in this muscle, typically referring pain (and sometimes stiffness) into the medial plantar...
Tips to Keep the Calf Muscles Healthy and Pain Free!

Tips to Keep the Calf Muscles Healthy and Pain Free!

  How to Avoid Injury by Stretching the Calf Muscles After Workout     Calf Muscle Stretch - Find the Way That Works for You! Watch the video above to...
Achilles Tendinitis - Self Help

Achilles Tendinitis - Self Help

  Simple ways to stretch soleus - Stuart Hinds   Become a Trigger Point Therapist   What is Achilles Tendinitis? Achilles Tendinitis is characterized by an injury to the achilles tendon mostly...
Treating Gastrocnemius

Treating Gastrocnemius

    Treating Trigger Points in Gastrocnemius - Dr. Jonathan Kuttner   Ischemic Compression Technique   The gastrocnemius is the largest and most superficial of the calf muscles. It has the...