

Empowering Women Through Pelvic Floor Health: A Comprehensive Guide

Empowering Women Through Pelvic Floor Health: A Comprehensive Guide

    Pelvic floor health is a critical yet often overlooked aspect of women's overall well-being A strong and well-functioning pelvic floor is essential for various bodily functions, such as...
Unleash the Power of Massage and Trigger Point Therapy for Your Horse's Well-being

Unleash the Power of Massage and Trigger Point Therapy for Your Horse's Well-being

Horses, like humans, can experience muscle pain and stiffness, which can lead to a variety of performance and health issues. Equine massage and trigger point therapy are increasingly popular methods...
Gua Sha: Unlocking the Ancient Healing Technique for Modern Wellness

Gua Sha: Unlocking the Ancient Healing Technique for Modern Wellness

Gua Sha is a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) technique that has been practiced for thousands of years. With its roots deeply entrenched in ancient healing practices, Gua Sha has recently...
The Gall Bladder Meridian: A Comprehensive Guide to Its Importance and Role in Traditional Chinese Medicine

The Gall Bladder Meridian: A Comprehensive Guide to Its Importance and Role in Traditional Chinese Medicine

  Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been practiced for thousands of years, offering a holistic approach to health and well-being. Central to TCM is the concept of meridians, which are...
Time Under Tension: A Key Ingredient for Effective Weight Training

Time Under Tension: A Key Ingredient for Effective Weight Training

  Introduction Time under tension (TUT) is a crucial concept in weight training that can significantly impact your workout's effectiveness and the results you achieve. This powerful training technique focuses...
Unlock the Secrets of Your Pelvic Floor: The Foundation for Health and Vitality

Unlock the Secrets of Your Pelvic Floor: The Foundation for Health and Vitality

    Introduction The pelvic floor muscles are an essential, yet often overlooked, component of our overall health and well-being. These muscles provide crucial support for our internal organs, maintain...
The Mighty Deltoid Muscle: Functions, Injuries, Trigger Points, and Stretching

The Mighty Deltoid Muscle: Functions, Injuries, Trigger Points, and Stretching

  Deltoid Muscle - what you need to know! The deltoid muscle is an essential muscle group in the human body that is often overlooked in discussions about fitness and...
How to Locate, Test and Stretch the Psaos Muscle

How to Locate, Test and Stretch the Psaos Muscle

About the Psoas Muscle The psoas muscle, also known as the iliopsoas muscle, is a deep-seated muscle located in the lower part of the torso, stretching from the lumbar spine...
Rehab and Injury Prevention for Wrist and Elbow Pain

5 increíbles estiramientos para el dolor de muñeca y codo

Terapia de puntos gatillo - Estiramiento del tríceps Los puntos gatillo miofasciales (MTP, por sus siglas en inglés) son ubicuos y el dolor miofascial afecta hasta al 85 % de...
Trigger Point Therapy | Treating Soleus | Injury Assessment | Self Help Tips

Terapia de puntos gatillo | Tratamiento del sóleo | Evaluación de lesiones | Consejos de autoayuda

Desde un punto de vista postural dinámico, el sóleo evita que el cuerpo caiga hacia adelante en la articulación del tobillo durante la bipedestación. En la marcha, el músculo desacelera...
Trigger Point Therapy - Treating Quadratus Lumborum

Terapia de puntos gatillo - Tratamiento del cuadrado lumbar

Lower Back Pain (LBP) and especially chronic LBP is often associated with trigger points in the Quadratus Lumborum (QL) muscles. Quadratus lumborum (QL) is a muscle located in the lateral...
How to safely Treat Neck Pain and Stiffness

Cómo tratar con seguridad el dolor y la rigidez del cuello

El Dr. Jonathan Kuttner explica los peligros potenciales de los ajustes manipulativos y cómo el dolor y la rigidez del cuello se pueden tratar normalmente con otras técnicas de masaje...
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