

The Empty Tank: Why Burnout and Compassion Fatigue are Real for Rehab Pros (and What to Do About It)

The Empty Tank: Why Burnout and Compassion Fatigue are Real for Rehab Pros (and What to Do About It)

  A Manual Therapist's Guide to Staying Healthy and Thriving in a Demanding Profession Hi everyone, I'm Maureen, and I've been a manual therapist for… well, let's just say a...
Stretching to help avoid groin pain

Groin Adductor Injuries: From Understanding to Recovery

Understanding the Groin Adductor Muscles: A Comprehensive Guide The groin adductor muscles play a crucial role in movement, stability, and overall lower-body functionality. Understanding their anatomy, common injuries, and treatment...
Abdominal Massage for Constipation

Understanding Constipation and the Role of Massage Therapy in Its Management

Constipation is a common gastrointestinal issue characterized by infrequent, difficult, or painful bowel movements. It can affect people of all ages and is often accompanied by discomfort, bloating, and a...
Trigger Point Therapy - Treating Temporalis

Terapia de puntos gatillo - Tratamiento temporal

Los músculos del cuello, la cara y la cabeza son tan importantes para la función muscular global como el núcleo (complejo lumbopélvico-cadera). El temporal y el masetero son sinergistas. Un...
The Deltoid Muscle | Function, Injury, and Manual Therapy Solutions

The Deltoid Muscle | Function, Injury, and Manual Therapy Solutions

The Multifaceted Role of the Deltoid Muscle The deltoid muscle, a thick, triangular muscle cap atop the shoulder, is not just an emblem of strength and mobility but a cornerstone...