

Serratus Posterior Trigger Point Release for Shoulder Pain

Terapia de puntos gatillo: serrato posterior inferior

Los puntos gatillo en el serrato posteroinferior pueden causar un dolor local poco común que se irradia sobre y alrededor del músculo Serratus Posterior Inferior es una causa a menudo...
Shin Splints Tibialis Anterior

Terapia de masaje | Tratamiento del dolor de espinillas | Liberación del punto de activación

Descripción general de la anatomía del síndrome de tensión tibial medial (férulas en las espinillas) Los calambres en las espinillas son especialmente comunes entre los corredores y otros atletas que...
Pelvic Pain and Levator Ani syndrome explained

Pelvic Pain and Levator Ani Syndrome Explained

  Chronic Pelvic Pain and Trigger Points - Dr. Jonathan Kuttner     If you have pelvic pain, chances are you have trigger points somewhere within or adjacent to your pelvic...
Learn Somatic Therapy

What is Somatic Therapy?

So What is Somatic Therapy? Have you ever noticed how stress or emotional pain seems to settle in your body? Maybe your shoulders tense up when you're anxious, or you...
Medical Massage

What is Medical Massage?

Medical Massage for Plantar Fasciitis   If you’ve ever heard the term "medical massage" and wondered how it differs from other forms of massage therapy, you’re not alone. As an...
Piriformis Stretch for Trigger Point Release

Are You Suffering from Piriformis Trigger Points?

If you’ve ever felt an unexplained pain deep in your buttocks or a sharp, radiating ache down your leg, the culprit might be your piriformis muscle. Though small, this muscle...
Tennis Elbow Trigger Point Therapy Massage

Tennis Elbow: Treating, and Preventing Lateral Epicondylitis

Tennis elbow might sound like something only tennis players deal with, but the truth is, this common condition affects people from all walks of life. Officially known as lateral epicondylitis,...
TMJ Treatment

Terapia de puntos gatillo - Secuencia de tratamiento típica para TMJD

Los puntos gatillo en el trapecio superior a menudo se asocian con TMJD Los trastornos de la ATM a menudo responderán muy bien a la terapia de puntos gatillo y...
It Band Syndrome and Trigger Points

IT Band Syndrome: Top 5 Causes and Solutions

If you’ve ever felt that sharp, nagging pain on the outside of your knee that just won’t quit, chances are you’ve encountered Iliotibial Band Syndrome, or ITBS for short. It’s...
Hip Extensors: Spotlight on Quadratus Femoris and Trigger Points

Terapia de puntos gatillo - Cuadrado femoral

Tratamiento del cuadrado femoral - Stuart Hinds Los puntos gatillo en el cuadrado femoral suelen aparecer junto con otros puntos gatillo en el área inmediata, incluida la cadera y el...
Quadriceps Trigger Point Release

Quadriceps and Trigger Points

Because of their demanding role, the quads are susceptible to muscle fatigue, strain, and the formation of trigger points, which can lead to pain and dysfunction. The quadriceps muscles—often simply...
Pregnancy and Trigger Point Therapy

Massage and Manual Therapy During Pregnancy

Providing massage, bodywork, and trigger point therapy during pregnancy is a valuable practice that supports the unique needs of pregnant women, offering relief from common discomforts and enhancing overall well-being....