

Treating Latent Trigger Points

How to Treat Latent Trigger Points?

Active and Latent Trigger Points: Understanding and Managing Muscle Pain Trigger points are a common but often misunderstood source of muscle pain and dysfunction. Whether you're an athlete, a desk...
It Band Syndrome and Trigger Points

IT Band Syndrome: Top 5 Causes and Solutions

If you’ve ever felt that sharp, nagging pain on the outside of your knee that just won’t quit, chances are you’ve encountered Iliotibial Band Syndrome, or ITBS for short. It’s...
IMS Trigger Point Dry Needling

Understanding IMS Dry Needling (Medical Acupuncture): What It Is, How It Differs from Traditional Acupuncture, and Its Role in Dissipating Trigger Points

Intramuscular Stimulation (IMS) dry needling, often referred to as medical acupuncture, is a therapeutic technique that has gained widespread recognition in the fields of physical therapy, sports medicine, and rehabilitation....