

Shoulder Health | Mastering Horizontal Pulling

Shoulder Health | Mastering Horizontal Pulling

Mastering Horizontal Pulling: A Comprehensive Guide to Shoulder Health, Injury Avoidance, and Rehab Considerations Introduction: Horizontal pulling exercises are a cornerstone of any well-rounded strength training program, targeting key muscles...
Trigger Point Therapy - Treating Temporalis

Terapia de puntos gatillo - Tratamiento temporal

Los músculos del cuello, la cara y la cabeza son tan importantes para la función muscular global como el núcleo (complejo lumbopélvico-cadera). El temporal y el masetero son sinergistas. Un...
Vacuum Cupping Therapy - Treating the Triceps

Vacuum Cupping Therapy - Treating the Triceps

    Pain referring from triceps trigger points can be felt in the neck, upper trapezius, deltoids, upper arm and the elbow. Along with its “little helper,” anconeus, the triceps...
Exploring the Healing Power of Acupuncture for Frozen Shoulder

Exploring the Healing Power of Acupuncture for Frozen Shoulder

Frozen shoulder, medically known as adhesive capsulitis, is a painful and debilitating condition characterised by stiffness, pain, and limited range of motion in the shoulder joint. While conventional treatments such...
Understanding and Managing Common Wrist Flexor Injuries: Symptoms, Treatments, and Trigger Points

Understanding and Managing Common Wrist Flexor Injuries: Symptoms, Treatments, and Trigger Points

  Wrist flexor injuries are prevalent, particularly among individuals engaged in repetitive activities or sports that strain the wrist and forearm muscles Understanding the symptoms and treatments for these injuries...
Treating Plantar Fasciitis | A Comprehensive Guide

Tratamiento de la fascitis plantar 1

fascitis plantar Tratamiento de la fascitis plantar - Maureen Abson La fascitis plantar es una afección dolorosa del pie que puede ser muy debilitante y, a menudo, afecta a personas...
The Significance of Patellar Ligaments in Knee Injuries

The Significance of Patellar Ligaments in Knee Injuries

  Knee pain is certainly common and even more so as we get older, most especially for those who do a lot of sport involving jumping and running. It doesn't take...
The Deltoid Muscle | Function, Injury, and Manual Therapy Solutions

The Deltoid Muscle | Function, Injury, and Manual Therapy Solutions

The Multifaceted Role of the Deltoid Muscle The deltoid muscle, a thick, triangular muscle cap atop the shoulder, is not just an emblem of strength and mobility but a cornerstone...
Benefits of Stretching for Sciatica and Piriformis Syndrome

Terapia de puntos gatillo - Ciática

Dolor ciático: Stuart Hinds demuestra su enfoque para tratar el piriforme Varios estudios han demostrado los beneficios de la terapia manual para tratar la ciática La ciática es un síntoma...
Trigger Point Therapy - Ankle Sprains

Terapia de puntos gatillo: esguinces de tobillo

  ¿Cuál es la conexión entre los esguinces de tobillo y los puntos gatillo? El dolor de pie, el dolor de tobillo y la inestabilidad de tobillo a menudo se...
Piriformis Syndrome | Trigger Point Therapy

Piriformis Syndrome | Trigger Point Therapy

  Piriformis syndrome is a result of impingement of the sciatic nerve by the piriformis muscle Incorrect form or improper gait often leads to tightness and inflexibility in piriformis. The...
Trigger Point Therapy - Tension Type Headaches (TTH)

Terapia de puntos gatillo: dolores de cabeza de tipo tensional (TTH)

Cefaleas tensionales y puntos gatillo - Dr. Jonathan Kuttner MD Los dolores de cabeza por tensión generalmente afectan ambos lados de la cabeza y duran desde treinta minutos hasta varios...
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