

Cupping for Hamstring Strain

Cupping Therapy - Treating Hamstring Strains

Hamstring strains are common injuries, particularly among athletes and physically active individuals. These strains can range from mild discomfort to severe pain and disability, impacting daily activities and athletic performance....
Fire Cupping Therapy: What's Behind the Smoke?

Fire Cupping Therapy: What's Behind the Smoke?

Fire cupping, a traditional therapy with roots dating back thousands of years, has captivated the imaginations of healers and patients alike with its mystical allure and profound healing potential. Originating...
Why the Continuing Rise in Popularity of Cupping Therapy?

Why the Continuing Rise in Popularity of Cupping Therapy?

In recent years, cupping therapy has emerged as a prominent modality within the realm of rehabilitation, captivating the attention of practitioners and patients alike. This ancient healing technique, with its...
Massage Cupping for Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis Treatment | What You Need to Know

Cupping Tutorial: Becky Tyler (Osteopath and sports Massage Therapist) presents vacuum cupping integrated with massage for the treatment of Plantar Fasciitis (pain under the foot, usually on walking and worse...
Vacuum Cupping Therapy - Treating the Triceps

Vacuum Cupping Therapy - Treating the Triceps

    Pain referring from triceps trigger points can be felt in the neck, upper trapezius, deltoids, upper arm and the elbow. Along with its “little helper,” anconeus, the triceps...
The Deltoid Muscle | Function, Injury, and Manual Therapy Solutions

The Deltoid Muscle | Function, Injury, and Manual Therapy Solutions

The Multifaceted Role of the Deltoid Muscle The deltoid muscle, a thick, triangular muscle cap atop the shoulder, is not just an emblem of strength and mobility but a cornerstone...
Vacuum Cupping for Lateral Elbow Pain

Ventosas de vacío para el dolor lateral del codo

Terapia de puntos gatillo: ventosas para tratar el dolor lateral del codo El dolor lateral del codo a menudo se asocia con puntos gatillo Los puntos gatillo son muy comunes...
Cupping Therapy for ITB: Dr Joi Edwards DPT

Cupping Therapy for ITB: Dr Joi Edwards DPT

Cupping in Sports Therapy: The Ancient Remedy's Modern Comeback The image of an athlete, their skin speckled with circular marks, has become familiar in recent years. While for some it's...
The Intriguing Art of Fire Cupping: An Ancient Healing Technique

The Intriguing Art of Fire Cupping: An Ancient Healing Technique

  Fire cupping has been garnering increased attention in the Western world - we take a look at what it is and who's doing it Fire cupping, an ancient therapeutic...
Massage and Stretching for Quads

Masaje y Estiramiento para Quads

Los puntos de activación en los músculos cuádriceps son comúnmente la causa del dolor de cadera, muslo y rodilla. El cuádriceps es un gran grupo de músculos, el más macizo...
The Talocrural joint or ankle joint, body weight and Gastrocnemius and soleus muscles form a second class lever

Ventosas ortopédicas: distensión del tobillo

La Dra. Joi Edwards presenta ventosas de masaje para la distensión del tobillo El tobillo tiene tres ligamentos principales en su lado lateral. El ligamento peroneoastragalino anterior, el ligamento peroneoastragalino...
Hamstring injury image

Tratamiento de los isquiotibiales: una lesión deportiva común

Lesión en el muslo En última instancia, los isquiotibiales intentan ser músculos de los glúteos, mientras que los músculos lumbares intentan ser isquiotibiales. Los isquiotibiales se contraen excéntricamente durante la...