

Quadriceps Trigger Point Release

Quadriceps and Trigger Points

Because of their demanding role, the quads are susceptible to muscle fatigue, strain, and the formation of trigger points, which can lead to pain and dysfunction. The quadriceps muscles—often simply...
The Hamstrings: Common Injuries, Assessment, and Treatment

The Hamstrings: Common Injuries, Assessment, and Treatment

Treating Hamstring Injuries Ah, the hamstrings. If you’ve ever dealt with a hamstring injury, you know just how frustrating they can be. As an athletic trainer who’s been working with athletes...

Tratamiento de los puntos gatillo en el bíceps femoral

Los músculos isquiotibiales Tratamiento de los puntos gatillo en el bíceps femoral de cabeza corta - Stuart Hinds Durante la carrera, los isquiotibiales ralentizan la pierna al final de su...