

Herniated Disc Illustration

Understanding Herniated Discs: A Comprehensive Guide

If you’ve ever felt a sharp, shooting pain in your back or down your leg, chances are someone has mentioned the term “herniated disc.” As an athletic trainer, I’ve encountered...
Trapezius Trigger Point Release

Trigger Points in Trapezius: Causes and Treatments

Understanding Trigger Points in the Trapezius Muscle and How to Treat Them If you’ve ever felt that stubborn knot in your shoulder that just won’t quit, chances are you’ve encountered...
How to Self Treat Trigger Points

How to Self Treat Trigger Points

Trigger Points: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding, Treating, and Preventing Muscular Pain Trigger points are a common, yet often misunderstood source of muscular pain. These tight knots in muscle fibers...
Trigger Points in the Piriformis Muscle: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Trigger Points in the Piriformis Muscle: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Trigger points in the piriformis muscle are often an overlooked but significant cause of pain in the lower back, buttocks, and legs. These hyperirritable spots can create a host of...
Sternocleidomastoid muscle and trigger points

Sternocleidomastoid (SCM) Syndrome | Trigger Point Therapy

Stretching the SCM following trigger point treatment   SCM syndrome typically presents as neck stiffness with decreased rotation - sometimes along with nausea, tinnitus, vertigo, or spasms in the neck The syndrome...
Treating Calf Muscle Strains Anatomy

Trigger Point Therapy | Treating Soleus | Injury Assessment | Self Help Tips

From a dynamic postural viewpoint, the soleus prevents the body falling forward at the ankle joint during standing In gait, the muscle eccentrically decelerates subtalar joint pronation and internal rotation...
Subscapularis Anatomy

Bicep and Subscapularis Tendinopathy | Deep Transverse Friction Massage

  Treating Subscapularis - Dr. Jonathan Kuttner   Subscapularis trigger points are a potent cause of shoulder pain [Latin sub, under; scapularis, pertaining to the scapula] Subscapularis A member of...
Trigger Point Therapy - Treating Temporalis

Trigger Point Therapy - Treating Temporalis

The neck, face, and head muscles are as important to global muscle function as the core The temporalis and masseter are synergists. An overdeveloped upper trapezius can be an overlooked...
Benefits of Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage (MLD)

Benefits of Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage (MLD)

Many experts believe that MLD techniques may be effective for releasing trigger points Manual lymph drainage (MLD) is a gentle manual treatment technique initially developed in the 1930’s by Danish Drs. Emil...
Treating Plantaris | Trigger Point Release | Knee Pain | Calf Pain | Foot Pain

Treating Plantaris | Trigger Point Release | Knee Pain | Calf Pain | Foot Pain

        Trigger points in Plantaris are often associated with "unexplained" pain at the back of the knee    Trigger Points and Knee Pain - Overview     ...
Trigger Point Therapy | Tibialis Anterior | Anatomy

Trigger Point Therapy | Tibialis Anterior | Anatomy

Trigger Point Release | Shoulder Pain | Rhomboids

Trigger Point Release | Shoulder Pain | Rhomboids

Trigger points in the Rhomboid muscles will typically cause pain around the scapula and in the area between the scapula and the spine         Assessing Scapula Pain...