
Kneeling Heel-Down Achilles Stretch

Kneeling Heel-Down Achilles Stretch

    Technique: • Kneel on one foot • Rest your hands on your raised knee • Keep your heel on the ground and lean forward.   Primary muscles: Soleus....
Standing Reach Down Hamstring Stretch

Standing Reach Down Hamstring Stretch

    Technique: • Stand with your feet shoulder width apart • Bend forward slowly and reach towards the ground   Primary muscles: Semimembranosus. Semitendinosus. Biceps femoris. Secondary muscles: Gastrocnemius....
Standing Leg Cross Abductor Stretch

Standing Leg Cross Abductor Stretch

      Technique: • Stand upright • Cross one foot behind the other • Lean towards the side of the foot that is placed behind   Primary muscles: Tensor...
Standing Leg-Up Bent Knee Hamstring Stretch

Standing Leg-Up Bent Knee Hamstring Stretch

  Technique: • Stand with one foot raised onto a chair or object • Keep your knee slightly bent • Let your heel drop off the edge of the object...
Standing Hip-Out Abductor Stretch

Standing Hip-Out Abductor Stretch

      Technique Stand with legs together, holding onto side of table Bend knee of the leg closest to the table slightly Bend body / trunk towards the side...
Lying Abductor Stretch

Lying Abductor Stretch

      Technique: Sit on the ground with your legs extended Turn sideways and lean on your hand Bring your opposite leg up and place it in front of...
Standing Leg-Up Adductor Stretch

Standing Leg-Up Adductor Stretch

      Technique: • Stand upright • Using a raised object, place one leg out to the side and rest your foot on the raised object • Keep your...
Lying Whole Body Stretch

Lying Whole Body Stretch

  Technique: • Lie straight on your back • Extend your arms behind you • Point your toes upwards • Lengthen your body as much as you can   Primary...
Sitting Feet Together Adductor Stretch

Sitting Feet Together Adductor Stretch

      Technique: Sit with the soles of your feet together and bring your feet towards your groin Hold onto your ankles Push your knees towards the ground using...
Kneeling Reach-Around Stretch

Kneeling Reach-Around Stretch

Technique: Kneel on all fours Lift one hand and reach towards your ankle Keep your back parallel to the ground   Primary muscles: Quadratus lumborum. External and internal obliques. Secondary...
Standing Lean-Back Side Stomach Stretch

Standing Lean-Back Side Stomach Stretch

    Technique: Stand upright with your feet shoulder width apart Place one hand on your buttocks for support Look up and slowly lean backwards Reach over with your opposite...
Standing Lean-Back Stomach Stretch

Standing Lean-Back Stomach Stretch

    Technique: Stand upright with your feet shoulder width apart Place your hands on your buttocks for support Look upwards and slowly lean backwards Keep your legs sturdy  ...