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Trigger Point Therapy - Rectus Abdomini

Trigger Point Therapy - Rectus Abdomini

Trigger Point Anatomy - Rectus Abdomini     Trigger points in the rectus abdomini are often associated with lower back pain The rectus abdominis flexes the lumbar spine, depresses the...
Trigger Point Therapy - Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Trigger Point Therapy - Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

  Rectus Abdominis Trigger Points    Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common condition of the digestive system whose full cause is unknown IBS is the most common gut problem...
Trigger Point Overview - Rectus Abdominis

Trigger Point Overview - Rectus Abdominis

  Rectus Abdominis Trigger Points - Dr. Jonathan Kuttner   Latin rectus, straight; abdominis, of the belly/stomach The rectus abdominis is divided by tendinous bands into three or four bellies,...
Trigger Point Therapy - Rectus Abdominis Trigger Points

Trigger Point Therapy - Rectus Abdominis Trigger Points

  Rectus Abdominis - Trigger Points   Active Trigger Points in the Rectus Abdominis muscles can refer pain to back and across the mid-line.  Whereas trigger points typically refer pain...
Trigger Point Therapy - Treating The Abdominals

Trigger Point Therapy - Treating The Abdominals

   Treating the Abdominals - Dr. Jonathan Kuttner     Trigger points in the abdominals are common. These are "vanity" muscles, and are often enthusiastically overworked. In these cases especially,...