

Prehab Rehab 101 - The Groundwork Positions (4 hrs)



Prehab Rehab 101 - The Groundwork Positions | Dr Mark Cheng

In this course, Mark Cheng explains and demonstrates five positions—

  • Periscope
  • Sphinx
  • Crawling
  • Tall-Kneeling
  • Half-Kneeling

These five positions will be shown in high detail and you will be given the tools you need to break these exercises down and use them with your clients, athletes and patients.

In each of these positions, Mark highlights different points and presents several training options to allow anyone at any level to benefit.

The five progressions build upon each other. As your clients master each one, they’ll be able to exhibit higher performance with less strain as they learn to use the body more efficiently.

If you’re already familiar with the FMS or the SFMA, these are progressions you can use as you already understand the screens or the assessments, and want to better understand how to apply certain correctives or certain fundamental movement patterns.

Mark explains everything simply, but thoroughly. You’ll learn great cues to use with your clients, and you’ll come away with a better understanding of the purpose and goals of these progressions.

Mark combines his deep knowledge of human movement with his clear, simple and relaxed teaching style that even non-professionals can easily understand.

The workshop itself is conducted in a small group setting. Mark runs through each position with three practicing pain and rehabilitation professionals: Dr. MaryAnne Harrington, Dr. Cody Dimak and Dr. Jimmy Yuan. The unrehearsed nature of the recording, with real people, demonstrates how Mark coaches people with different body types and different strengths and weaknesses.

Whether you’re a clinician dealing with pain and rehabilitation, or a coach wanting to improve performance with your athletes, these progressions will help you unlock the higher performance and breakthroughs in rehabilitation that can get your athletes, patients and clients the results they’re looking for.

CE CPD Accredited Courses Massage Physical Therapy Chiropractic

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