Trigger Point Therapy - Neuromuscular Stretching Technique
Neuromuscular Technique for Trapezius - Dr. Jonathan Kuttner
One research study from the University of Queensland, proposed that PNF stretching may be the most effective stretching technique for increasing range of motion.
We all know how important it is to regularly stretching, nut we know from research studies that all stretching techniques provide the same benefit.
Neuromuscular stretching techniques (now increasingly known as Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation -PNF) use reflexes to produce deeper forms of stretch to increase flexibility.
PNF stretching is thought to have emerged in the 1940s as a way to treat neuromuscular conditions such as polio and MS.
These techniques have since become increasingly popular with manual therapists, exercise professionals, and trigger point therapists in particular.
There are many variations of these techniques, but they are all based on similar principles of stretching the muscle to its limit.
Working in this way is believed to activate the inverse myotatic reflex, a protective reflex that calms the muscle to help prevent injury.
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