Massage and Stretching for Quads
Trigger points in the quadricep muscles are commonly the cause of hip, thigh and knee pain
The quadriceps is a large group of muscles, the most massive of the leg, located in the anterior (front) of the thigh. They originate from above the hip joint and extend to below the knee.
The primary action of the quadriceps is to extend the knee joint, but in conjunction with a number of other muscles in the front of the hip, they are also associated with hip flexion.
Rectus femoris is part of the quadriceps femoris, which also includes the vasti group: vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, and vastus intermedius. It has two heads of origin.
The reflected head is in the line of pull of the muscle in four-footed animals, whereas the straight head seems to have developed in humans as a result of the upright posture. It is a spindle shaped bi-pennate muscle.
The quadriceps straighten the knee when rising from sitting, during walking, and climbing. The vasti muscles cross only the knee, and thus are limited to knee extension or resistance to knee flexion; they spread out to control the movement of sitting down.
Vastus medialis is larger and heavier than vastus lateralis. Vastus intermedius is the deepest part of the quadriceps femoris, and has a membranous tendon on its anterior surface to allow a gliding movement between itself and the rectus femoris that overlies it.
The quadriceps tendon attaches to, and covers the patella, becoming the patellar tendon below this and attaching to the tibia.
Included here is sartorius, not part of the quadriceps femoris group, but the most superficial muscle of the anterior thigh; it is also the longest strap muscle in the body.
The medial border of the upper third of this muscle forms the lateral boundary of the femoral triangle (adductor longus forms the medial boundary; the inguinal ligament forms the superior boundary). The action of sartorius is to put the lower limbs in the cross-legged seated position of the tailor (hence its name from the Latin).
Quadriceps and Trigger Points
Trigger points in the quadriceps are commonly responsible for painful hip, thigh and knee conditions.
Note that Trigger points in the rectus femoris can often cause a deep aching pain in the front of the knee, even though the trigger points themselves are typically found closer to the hip.
Whilst there is no substitute for hands-on treatment from a trigger point professional, stretching exercises can be very useful both to help avoid these trigger points becoming active (injury prevention) and for rehabilitation.
Below you will find details of 5 awesome stretching exercises that most people should be able to perform easily at home. These are typical of exercises that your trigger point therapist might recommend.
Stand upright while balancing on one leg. Pull your other foot up behind your buttocks and keep your knees together while pushing your hips forward. Hold on to something for balance.
Note! This position can put undue pressure on the knee joint and ligaments. Anyone with knee pain or knee injury should avoid this stretch until they have sought advice from a suitably qualified healthcare practitioner.
Muscles being stretched
Primary muscles: Rectus femoris. Vastus medialis, lateralis, and intermedius. Secondary muscles: Iliacus. Psoas major.
Injury where stretch may be useful
Hip flexor strain. Avulsion fracture in the pelvic area. Osteitis pubis. Iliopsoas tendonitis. Trochanteric bursitis. Quadriceps strain. Quadriceps tendonitis. Patellofemoral pain syndrome. Patellar tendonitis. Subluxing kneecap.
Stand upright and take one small step forward. Reach up with both hands, push your hips forward, lean back, and then lean away from your back leg.
Regulate the intensity of this stretch by pushing your hips forward.
Muscles being stretched
Primary muscles: Rectus femoris. Psoas major. Iliacus. Sartorius.
Secondary muscles: Rectus abdominis. Transversus abdominis. External and internal obliques. Quadratus lumborum.
Injury where stretch may be useful
Hip flexor strain. Avulsion fracture in the pelvic area. Osteitis pubis. Iliopsoas tendonitis. Trochanteric bursitis. Quadriceps strain. Quadriceps tendonitis.
Sit on the ground, bend one knee and place that foot next to your buttocks. Then slowly lean backwards.
Note! This position can put undue pressure on the knee joint and ligaments. Anyone with knee pain or knee injury should avoid this stretch until they have sought advice from a suitably qualified healthcare practitioner.
Muscles being stretched
Primary muscles: Rectus femoris. Vastus medialis, lateralis, and intermedius. Secondary muscles: Iliacus. Psoas major.
Injury where stretch may be useful
Hip flexor strain. Avulsion fracture in the pelvic area. Osteitis pubis. Iliopsoas tendonitis. Trochanteric bursitis. Quadriceps strain. Quadriceps tendonitis. Patellofemoral pain syndrome. Patellar tendonitis. Subluxing kneecap.
Sit on the ground and bend one or both knees and place your legs under your buttocks. Then slowly lean backwards.
Note! This position can put undue pressure on the knee joint and ligaments. Anyone with knee pain or knee injury should avoid this stretch until they have sought advice from a suitably qualified healthcare practitioner.
Muscles being stretched
Primary muscles: Rectus femoris. Vastus medialis, lateralis, and intermedius. Secondary muscles: Iliacus. Psoas major.
Injury where stretch may be useful
Hip flexor strain. Avulsion fracture in the pelvic area. Osteitis pubis. Iliopsoas tendonitis. Trochanteric bursitis. Quadriceps strain. Quadriceps tendonitis. Patellofemoral pain syndrome. Patellar tendonitis. Subluxing kneecap.
Kneel on one foot and the other knee. If needed, hold on to something to keep your balance. Push your hips forward.
Regulate the intensity of this stretch by pushing your hips forward. If need be, place a towel or mat under your knee for comfort.
Muscles being stretched
Primary muscles: Iliacus. Psoas major and minor.
Secondary muscles: Rectus femoris. Sartorius.
Injury where stretch may be useful
Hip flexor strain. Avulsion fracture in the pelvic area. Osteitis pubis. Iliopsoas tendonitis. Trochanteric bursitis. Quadriceps strain. Quadriceps tendonitis.
How to Give Your Quadriceps a Good Massage
Whether you're a competitive athlete or just a weekend warrior, quadriceps massage can help ease pain, improve flexibility, and increase overall coordination. Using a foam roller is also helpful for stretching sore quadriceps. It's easy to do yourself, and can break up adhesions and loosen knots. It also helps increase circulation to injured quadriceps. Often, the quadriceps are the first muscles to get sore from exercise. Sore quadriceps can prevent you from maximizing your performance.
Injuries to the quadriceps are common, and can range from mild to severe. A mild tear can cause pain when you lift your leg straight up. A more serious tear can make walking and running difficult. An injury to the quadriceps can also lead to other problems in the area. These include kneecap pain, weakness in the thigh, and inflammation of the hip joint. If you experience any of these symptoms, it's important to get a professional massage.
During your quadriceps massage, you should try to use your knuckles. You should start with a flat part of the knuckles and work up to the middle of your quad. As you go up the leg, you should make small circles. If you're comfortable, you can move up to the sides of the leg, and up and down. You may even want to stretch your quad out in a side-lying position with a pillow under your head.
While stretching your quad, you can also apply pressure on the tendons, ligaments, and muscle. There are several ways to do this, including tapping with your fists. You can also pull your hands up to your legs and wrap them around the quad. Alternatively, you can press your fingers into the muscle and squeeze. If you're feeling a little tight, you can hold the tender points for about 10 seconds.It's important to remember that if you're suffering from an injury, it's okay to stop the massage. If you continue, you could be injuring yourself further. However, if you do feel relief after your massage, don't worry. Your body will heal itself in time.
For most people, the best way to massage the quadriceps is with a massage or trigger point tool. This is especially helpful if you're experiencing pain and you're not sure what is causing it. You can find massage tools in a variety of styles, from a simple foam roll to a springy, coiled, or spongy tool. If you're feeling the need for more aggressive therapy, you can use one of many trigger point therapy guides available online.
Traditional Chinese acupoint massage is another way to alleviate pain. In this technique, you place the hands on specific points of the thigh and knee, and a series of fingertip movements and squeezing techniques are applied. The aim is to warm up the muscles and soft tissue, and to agitate blood cells. The heat generated by the agitation will help reduce swelling and encourage blood flow to the affected area.
It's important to keep in mind that your massage will likely be uncomfortable, but it's a good way to release tension and relax your body. It can also help you eliminate trigger points and aches and pains,
Cupping For Quadriceps Injuries
Using cupping to treat quadriceps injuries can be helpful (see cupping video tutorial above). It can help heal an injury by reducing swelling and congestion. It can also increase blood flow and fluid exchange in the area, which can lead to long-term relief.
Cupping is an ancient form of healing. It involves applying warm-to-hot cups to the skin, which helps draw blood to the area and create a suction effect. It can be used for a variety of conditions, including neck pain, back pain, jaw pain, sciatica, and menstrual cramps.
It is also considered a useful method for helping athletes to recover after sporting events. In the past decade, more and more athletes have begun using it. The benefits of cupping can last for several days, depending on how often it is used. It may also help athletes to cool down after an event, as it can reduce swelling and muscle tension.
Cupping has also been used to treat runner's knee. In fact, the Olympic Games in Rio featured high profile athletes with purple marks on their shoulders from cupping.
The use of moving cupping has become popular in the sports world. It can help relieve pain, reduce swelling, and increase range of motion. However, it hasn't been studied extensively yet.
One study examined whether moving cupping can improve knee flexion power. The results showed that MC increased popliteal angle test scores, but did not affect knee flexion power.
Another study evaluated how participants viewed moving cupping. The results showed that MC was not as painful as it was perceived to be. However, it did lead to some short term discomfort and decreased range of motion.
This blog is intended to be used for information purposes only and is not intended to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment or to substitute for a medical diagnosis and/or treatment rendered or prescribed by a physician or competent healthcare professional. This information is designed as educational material, but should not be taken as a recommendation for treatment of any particular person or patient. Always consult your physician if you think you need treatment or if you feel unwell.