(EM) Dry Needling / Medical Acupuncture for Trigger Points - Continuing Professional Education
Disclaimer & Warning Notice
Any form of needling can be dangerous. Needling must only ever be performed by a medical or healthcare professional who is qualified in needling techniques.
Taking this course does not grant you any form of license to practice needling. Do not practice any form of needling unless it falls within your professional scope of practice.
Depending on where you practice, you may be required by law to meet certain criteria for practicing needling, even if you are a qualified medical or healthcare practitioner. If you are not sure about the laws and regulations governing the practice of needling in your area, you must make the necessary enquiries to ensure that you meet any and all local requirements that may be in place. If you are unsure, please contact your professional organization or licensing board.
Dr. Jonathan Kuttner
Welcome to the NAT Dry Needling for Trigger Points Course.
This NAT course is presented by Dr Jonathan Kuttner (MBBCH, Dip Sports Med, Dip MSM, FRNZCGP, FAFMM).
Dr. Kuttner is a musculo-skeletal pain specialist who has spent the last 35 years in New Zealand, working as a doctor, teaching, and writing.
Safe Dry Needling - watch this before you start your course!
Where to Start?
We've learned over the years that some people prefer to work through the course text before moving on to the videos, whilst others prefer to watch the videos first, and still others prefer to work with both the text and videos in tandem.
The choice is yours! But in any case, please take a minutes to watch the short introduction above, and the explanation of trigger points video, before you start.
This course consists of 5 elements:
1b. Course Text II - Part 1 (74 Pages)
1c. Course Text II - Part 2 (159 Pages)
2. Course Video Material (6.5 Hours)
3. Interactive Trigger Point Locator
4. Dry Needling For Trigger Points Exam (140 Multiple Choice Questions)
Useful Articles About Dry Needling
You may access all of the course material at any time. However, you will be required to enter your password on each visit - so please retain this for your records.
If you ever need help, you can always contact our awesome support team via email or LiveChat on our website.
NAT Certification
On completion of this course and exam you will become NAT certified. This denotes the fact that you have satisfactorily completed the course material. It does not confer on you any rights or permission to practice any form of needling.
Your ability to practice needling in any form is dictated by the laws and regulations of the territory in which you live and practice.
Do not ever attempt to perform any type of needling unless you are qualified and licensed to do so and have completed the pre-requisite training required by your professional body or governing institution.