Cupping the Pronator Teres
Pronator Teres Muscle
Where is the Pronator Teres Muscle?
The Pronator Teres muscle is located within the front upper part of the forearm. It has two starting points located within the elbow area. The first starting point is at the inner bottom of the Humerus bone (the bone of the upper arm), known as the Humeral head. The second starting point is at the top part of the Ulna (one of the two bones that make up the forearm and the lower of the two), known as the Ulnar head. The two starting points come together and then the Pronator Teres muscle moves across the upper forearm ending itself by attaching to the Radius (the other bone that makes the forearm and the higher positioned of the two).
The Pronator Teres muscle helps with flexion of the elbow and inward rotation of the forearm, the action of pronation as the muscle is named. It also helps with everyday movements such as pouring a glass of water or turning off a doorknob. The Pronator Teres muscle works together with the other pronator muscle of the forearm, the Pronator Quadratus, located at the lower part of the forearm.
Here, Sturt Hinds explains how to use static cupping to release trigger points in the Pronator Teres;
Cupping the Pronator Teres - Stuart Hinds
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