

Before we Go is a collection of Dan John’s articles covering programming, fat loss, mass building, exercise selection, mobility, correctives and more. If you need fresh ideas to transform your training, this book is for you.

Picture this (go ahead; it’s an easy one): You’re bored with your workouts. Nothing’s changing; you’re not getting stronger or leaner or feeling better, and, heck, maybe you’ll just take a layoff and see what happens.

You know what happens. That two-week layoff lasts a year, that’s what happens!

Now consider this: Traffic was light and you’re fifteen minutes early for your dental cleaning appointment. You flip open your tablet and bring up your new copy of Before We Go. By the time the dental tech calls you, you’ve read two article chapters and are amped to get to the gym. Your mind is racing through the appointment, and it’s all you can do to stay in that squeaky lounge chair.

You get to the gym an hour later and sail through the best workout you’ve had in months, maybe years.

That’s what this book can do for you.