Golferellenbogen – NAT-Behandlungsplan
Der NAT-Golferellenbogen-Behandlungsplan wurde für Selbsthelfer oder Therapeuten entwickelt, die eine diagnostizierte Form von Golferellenbogen- oder Golferellenbogen-ähnlichen Schmerzen behandeln möchten. Der Plan bietet einen umfassenden Leitfaden für die Erkrankung, einschließlich Symptome, betroffene Muskeln, Differentialdiagnose und Behandlung mit Triggerpunkt-Therapietechniken, Taping, Übungen und mehr.
Für den privaten und professionellen Gebrauch.
Vollständig illustriert.
Was ist enthalten?
- Zustandsbeschreibung
- Muskeln betroffen
- Triggerpunkte und Schmerzkarten
- Symptome
- Differenzialdiagnose
- Behandlungsprogramm ( Ischämische Kompressionstechniken, Tiefenstreichmassage, Muskelenergietechniken, Taping, Dehnungs- und Kräftigungsübungen)
- Behandlungsbewertung
- Behandlungsplan
- Lifestyle-Beratung
Über den Golferellenbogen Der Golferellenbogen (mediale Epicondylitis) ist eine Erkrankung, die Schmerzen und Entzündungen in den Sehnen verursacht, die den Ellenbogen mit dem Unterarm verbinden. Es tritt um die knöcherne Beule an der Innenseite Ihres Ellbogens auf. Der Schmerz kann auch im Unterarm und Handgelenk zu spüren sein. |
Selbsthelfer, manuelle Therapeuten, Massagetherapeuten, Triggerpunkttherapeuten, Körperarbeiter, Sporttrainer, Chiropraktiker, Physiotherapeuten, PTS, Ergotherapeuten, OTAs, Ärzte, Krankenschwestern
Behandlungsplan für den NAT-Golferellenbogen nicht erfordern keine Werkzeuge oder spezielle Ausrüstung. Wo Massagewerkzeuge oder Trainingsgeräte empfohlen werden, werden alternative Übungen für diejenigen bereitgestellt, die keinen Zugang zu Werkzeugen oder Geräten haben.
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Latest Customer Reviews
They have the best teachers, highly qualified and very professional. I got courses from Vicki Ramsdell, Stuart Hinds and Dr. Joi. Looking forward to starting another one with Dr. Constance Bradley. The whole process is so smooth. The interface is user friendly and well designed. They have an awesome support team, they address your queries within 24 hours! Overall, I just love learning here ❤️
Great course. Was fantastic being able to complete online, especially living rural. Admin were wonderful when I had to reach out for assistance
They keep you learning and enthused about your chosen fields. They have a wealth of varied subjects to help you enhance the knowledge that you have. I found it enabled you to rethink and amend your practices. I can't recommend these courses enough. They keep you learning and enthused about your chosen fields.
This company has allowed me to not only tick boxes, but challenge my professional knowledge and keep relevant and up to date in an incredibly competative industry and profession. This company is by far the best ongoing education platform that I have found and I am proud to endorse it. Customer service is brilliant and timely.
Great and easy to understand classes
Very easy to down load the classes. The information is easy to follow. It’s great being able to read about techniques the. Watch videos demonstrating the techniques. I also love how there are occasionally updates to past purchases at no additional charge. I couldn’t be happier.
The courses are very informative and great practical video tutorials. I had some minor issues with the ebooks and in one it had imbedded links that wouldn’t open but otherwise I’d recommend NAT to colleagues.
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I have found the NAT courses provided a great resource for my ongoing education as a massage therapist. The courses are well laid out & easy to follow. The information is very informative & concise with good video demonstrations & resources available.
Love that the courses are available ongoing, very important when one is very busy to be able to access in ones own time. NAT also offers a great variety of courses to choose from. Thanks NAT