

Advanced Massage Therapist (AMT)



Advanced Massage Therapist (AMT)

The NAT Diploma in Advanced Massage Therapy (AMT) course provides the highest level of online training in general practice remedial massage.

It is designed for qualified practitioners including osteopaths, physiotherapists; athletic trainers, rehabilitation therapists, massage therapists.

The course will build on your existing knowledge and experience. It will also help to provide an in-depth understanding and learning of the complex skills and techniques required to work as a remedial massage practitioner.

Time-Guide: 18 Weeks

This course comprises 8 modules with 50 hours of study. 


In order to certify as an NAT-registered Advanced Massage Therapist (AMT) you need to be a qualified rehabilitation professional, licensed to touch. Depending on where you live and work this could include: Massage Therapists, Manual Therapists, Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Nurses, Osteopaths, Chiropractors, Athletic Trainers.


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